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“Education is Movement from Darkness to Light.”
~ Allan Bloom

Journey’s environment is designed for every child to thrive and succeed by providing students with a strong foundation in reading, writing, grammar, math, science, and history.  Students graduate from Journey as confident learners who are ready to begin a successful high school experience that will lead to higher education.

We honor the distinct talents and strengths of our students. To accomplish this,  Journey offers a unique weekly and daily schedule that is conducive to fitting the needs of every Journey student.

Personalized Multi-Age Learning

Journey offers a unique individualized education for its students.  Multi-age grouping with a small teacher-to-student ratio enables your child to work at academic ability rather than age.  The core subjects are offered at the same time throughout the grades.  This facilitates students that are up to more rigorous academics to be challenged and prevents struggling students from falling through the cracks.  Small class sizes allow for each student to become successful.

The daily school schedule also includes a period for enrichment. For some students this means diving deep into areas of struggle, for others it means challenge the students in higher level learning opportunities.

Off-Campus Learning

Journey learning reaches beyond the classroom. Students are provided with frequent, rich, personalized experiences. Students are given opportunities to satisfy their curiosity with hands-on knowledge and lessons brought to life.Meeting with industry leaders and civic giants provides students with current professional and practical expertise. Learn more about our Off-Campus Learning here.

Unique Weekly Schedules

Journey offers the option of a 5-day or 4-day school schedule. This allows families to choose the perfect fit for them.

  • In the 5-day Monday through Friday schedule students receive additional learning in STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and math) as well as additional enrichment classes that challenge individuals or fill academic gaps.
  • The 4-day Tuesday through Friday schedule is made possible because of Journey’s model of small classroom sizes which allows for thecurriculum to be completed in only 4 days, leaving the 5th day for enrichment and STEAM, or outside learning opportunities. Families who chose this option can use Mondays for lessons, extracurricular activities, and strengthening family connections.

NWEA Testing

Fall, Winter and Spring the MAP test is administered to all Journey students. MAP stands for Measures of Academic Progress and paints a picture of students’ progress and instructional level from the beginning of the year to the end of the year. Assessments are administered on the computer and measure math, reading, language usage abilities. The computer adjusts the difficulty of the questions so that each student’s test is unique. For more information on our testing refer to:

Specialty classes

Beyond the core curriculum, specialty classes are taught that ignite thinking, reflection, creativity, and movement.
Journey students K-8th grade are taught the following specialty classes:

STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics)

STEAM subjects are taught throughout the week but are emphasized on Mondays. These classes accomplish the following:

  • Provide students with an in-depth knowledge of math and science, plus the ability to integrate and apply that knowledge to solve challenges.
  • Give students opportunities in and out of the classroom that better prepare them for college and career.
  • Develop critical analysis skills and problem-solving skills that improve higher order thinking.
  • Receive hands-on learning and exploring that provides a deeper understanding of the subject matter while inspiring creativity and innovation.
  • Opportunities for students to work together and develop interpersonal communication and collaboration skills as well as flexible and adaptive thinking.
  • Work on projects and opportunities that promote understanding of societies and cultures.
  • A sample of past student opportunities within the STEAM program include building a greenhouse, planting a garden, raising trout, assembling and operating a windmill, discovering animal life and physiology through dissection, use of a weather station, and the use of technology with robotics, media, and programing. 


Students are introduced to different mediums, color theory, and various art making tools. Journey students discover talents and interests as new skills are explored through activity-based projects which encourage fun, creativity and build confidence.


Each instructional period begins with students learning and practicing typing skills. Students are then introduced to new aspects of computer technology. Following each lesson students work on a collection of project-based assignments that allow them opportunities to develop, practice, and demonstrate mastery.


our physical education program is designed to provide students the tools for a healthy, active lifestyle now and into adulthood. A variety of group and individual sports are taught in order to teach students the many fun ways to stay fit.  Students participate in the Presidential challenge throughout the year where physical progress is tracked and celebrated.


Journey’s music program introduces students to different styles of music as well as general music skills such as rhythm, melody, pitch, and harmony. These skills are practiced through songs and instruments. Basic performance skills and the importance of working as a team is taught with an emphasis on developing student’s confidence in public speaking, singing, and performing in front of peers and an audience. Students have the opportunity to perform several times a year including our annual Thanksgiving performance, care center service projects, and a spring performance.


Values through positive Christian principles such as responsibility, integrity, compassion, and service are emphasized. This focus provides students life-long direction and reflect a positive school environment. Each day begins with a student-led prayer, pledge, and patriotic song followed by a positive value message. Additionally, students receive a ten-minute daily interactive lesson. These lessons are woven into the culture of Journey and used in day-to-day interactions among students and staff.

Curriculum and lessons have been adapted from several different resources with the following objectives:

  • Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens by Steven Covey includes lessons on being proactive,beginning with the end in mind, putting first things first, thinking win-win, seeking first to understand and then to be understood, synergizing (working together), and sharpening the saw (taking care of self).
  • How to Win and Influence People by Dale Carnegie includes lessons on how to be a good friend, clear communication, working positively with people, and how to be an effective leader.
  • Workshop Ways © list of values include lessons about respecting the rights of others, understanding that it is intelligent to ask for help, taking courage to risk, being okay with making mistakes, giving everyone a right to a time to think, and understanding that we don’t have to know everything today.
  • Journey’s own “Character Traits for Life” which include dependability, resourcefulness, gratitude, self-motivation, manners, optimism, caring, and perseverance.