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Student Life


  • Uniform tops consist of navy and gold polo shirts, as well as a white cotton dress shirt.
  • All bottoms must be uniform style as shown on the Campus Club order form in navy or khaki.
  • Girl’s bottoms include pants, capris and fingertip length shorts or skirts.
  • Boy bottoms include shorts and pants.
  • All students should have at least one set of each color, including the white cotton dress shirt for special occasions.
  • Stained or torn uniforms are not allowed.
  • During the cooler months only Journey jackets are to be worn.
  • Only closed toed shoes.
  • Dress Uniform: All students must have a dress uniform for special occasions. The boys’ dress uniform consists of navy pants, belt, and the white Journey button up with a blue Journey tie, black or blue socks, and black dress shoes (not tennis shoes). The Girls’ dress uniform consists of a navy skirt or navy pants with belt, the white Journey button up shirt with a blue Journey tie, plain blue, black, or white knee length socks or tights, and black flat dress shoes (not tennis shoes).

Students appearance is expected to be conservative, neat and respectful. Unacceptable dress include, but are not limited to:

  • Uniform bottoms that are too short or cut off.
  • Piercings other than girls’ ears
  • Hair in the eyes
  • Colored or distracting hairstyles
  • Boy’s hair below the neckline


Before care hours are 7:00 am to 8:15 am
After care hours are 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Extended care rates depend on the amount of extended care credits purchased. See the front desk for a fee schedule.


Monday through Friday from dismissal to 4:00 pm.

Homework class is designed to guide students in independent study and provide a structured time to work on homework. This class also promotes good study habits. If your child has struggled to complete homework in the past we strongly recommend your child’s attendance.

Students attending aftercare are automatically enrolled in the homework class. Both, monthly and daily rates are available. Students must be signed out at the front desk when picked up.