When my oldest child began kindergarten, 30 years ago, she spent each week focusing on a specific letter. At the end of the year she had thoroughly colored, decorated, and played games surrounding all 26 of them. In today’s classroom students are taught so much more!
At Journey you can expect your kindergartener to be taught to recognize the 26 letters of the alphabet, the sounds each letter makes, how to write the letters correctly, and the additional phonograms that make up the rest of the English language.
Furthermore, it is not unusual for Journey Kindergarteners to be reading before the end of the year. As these young scholars learn to read, they are also learning to write. They sound out words, create sentences and written thought. Adding writing to the Kindergarten curriculum gives our students a deeper comprehension of the English language and the richness of words.
Young learners at Journey receive a strong foundation in which to build and develop their potential as great readers and writers. This growth is a result of Journey’s philosophy to provide daily work that is specifically geared toward each child’s abilities.
Kindergarten is a magical place, not only where reading and writing unfold, but also where children learn to love learning and discovering. Take a minute to stop by and see the magic we are talking about.