Service – A Way of Life at Journey

Service is a word our students learn and participate in from the early age of kindergarten up through 8th grade. Every 4-6 weeks our students have the opportunity to participate in a variety of service projects to learn first hand the joy of giving and helping others. Service this year includes:

-Sang and played games with residents at a local assisted living and nursing care center

-Gathered items and assembled 120 Hygiene kits

-Organized a can food drive for Catholic Charities at Thanksgiving time

-Organized a coat drive for the homeless at Christmas

-Addressed and stamped 1200 mailers for a non-profit choir, the Desert Chorale, for their annual free Christmas show

-Organized a sock and blanket drive for newly arrived refugees in Las Vegas

-Sponsored a change drive, “Make a Change” and raised $1,780.00 to send support to our deployed service men, the Jolly Greens, based at Nellis Air Force Base

-Currently promoting a food drive, “Serving our Kids”, by gathering food and assembling meals for kids in need in our community

-Coming soon, our students will participate in a detailed cleanup and graffiti removal in Valley of Fire following our school’s annual camp out

Thinking of others is a valuable attribute. Our students embody kindness and thoughtfulness as they freely give of themselves in service. As a school we work to provide these opportunities on a regular bases. As Gandhi has famously said, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”