Ahhh! Spring!  I love this time of year where everything begins to blossom. This is the time in Las Vegas that we wish the weather would stay just as it is, balmy warm instead of blaring hot.

By this point of spring break, you are either really loving the time with your kids and being away from a normal schedule, or you are ready to get back at it and send the them back to school.

This year we had a late spring break, which makes that last push to the end of the year really short. Encourage your kids to gear up and get ready to end the school year with gusto. There are some great weeks of learning ahead of us! And spring fever to fight through!

As this week comes to a close, I challenge you to use the weekend to find some lazy time with your children just talking, playing a game, or going for a walk.

Have a great Easter weekend and get ready for the last 5 weeks of school!

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