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Journey Supporters

Journey’s success depends greatly on the support of corporations, businesses, and individuals that strive to play an active role in supporting quality education in their community. We thank the following major Journey supporters for the financial backing that allows our students to thrive:

Donate Now

Donations help to improve the school and enrich the opportunities of its students. These contributions are sincerely appreciated and make all the difference. Journey is a non-profit 501(c)(3) and all donations are tax deductible.

Make a donation to Journey Education via our secure PayPal gateway!

Yearbook Sponsors

A school is only as strong as its community of friends, parents, supporters, and alumni. Journey Education is lucky to have such a wonderful support system.
Our continued success relies on partnerships with businesses, agencies, parents, alumni and friends.

Thank You

To Our 2023 Yearbook Sponsors:

Support Journey Education when You Shop at Amazon

Whenever you shop Amazon you can support Journey by first logging onto: Everything else in your Amazon shopping remains the same. The FIRST time you go to select “Journey Parent Organization” as your charitable organization. After that, every time you shop at, 0.5% of eligible purchases will be donated to Journey with NO cost or time to you! It’s as simple as that!